BOOMY enables anyone who has found an object to reach its owner. This is done DIRECTLY and ANONYMOUSLY, worldwide, 24/7.
50 cts
Boomy gives you a simple and an efficient way to protect your items!
Boomy is a sustainable app. With our QR Code, your items keep protected for life!
The BOOMY app enables you to easily find a solution to a lost or forgotten belonging and prevents any of the usual drawbacks.
How does it work?Lost item?
With the help of an easy identification with a Boomy QR code (stickers, mini-cards, tags …), you can make sure your most precious items are safe.
After having scanned the Boomy QR code, the person who has found your object (or pet) can get in contact with you via the chat feed. The returning of your property can therefore be done straight away.
Have you found a lost item? Get in touch with its owner anonymously, safely and easily.
Avoid the stress of losing an object which means a lot to you: stick on a Boomy QR code and your objects are returned to you.
Avoid the costs of replacing your favorite belongings. To identify them only costs 50 cts.
Let's fight against waste together. Many objects are destroyed because they don't find their way back to their owners.